Course Description


Target Audience: PT, PTA, OT

Cost: $795


Patients with symptoms of concussion lasting longer than 10-14 days benefit from intervention of an interdisciplinary team, including physical and occupational therapy, and the less commonly identified vision therapy. This hybrid course will provide the clinician with the foundational knowledge to improve understanding of the complexity of concussions, including the various domains and how to approach the rehabilitation of patients presenting to therapy following concussion. Specific emphasis will be placed on recognizing and understanding the domains to be assessed, and how they can affect treatment, including cervical spine, headaches, oculomotor and vestibular involvement, the effects of sleep, anxiety and cognitive fatigue, and autonomic dysfunction. The course will also include clinical pearls shared based on years of experience in treating this patient population. Recognizing and assessing symptoms in each of these domains will improve the clinician’s efficiency in examination and translation of exam findings into the development of an effective, evidence-based treatment plan. Principles of assessment and differential diagnosis will improve the clinician’s efficiency in examination and translation of exam findings into the development of an effective, evidence-based treatment plan. This course will also feature a module completed by a Neuro-Optometrist who will provide insight into the management of these patients and considerations for referral along the plan of care. Lastly, there will be a module focusing on psychological and neurocognitive changes after concussion and how health care providers should screen for these findings.

This course is designed to enhance the clinician’s knowledge and understanding of concussion management in a way that they will be able to incorporate the evidence-based concepts and techniques that were presented to their clinical practice. Some features of this course include instructor feedback on assessment and treatment techniques, large and small group activities to demonstrate application of the principles of diagnosis and clinical application of concepts to real patient cases. Psychomotor skill development will occur through labs with instructor feedback. Understanding of concussion management concepts will be enhanced through small and large group discussions and case-based learning. Clinicians will walk away from this course series with a deeper understanding of the multi-disciplinary approach to concussion management, the technical skills to perform a thorough examination, and a plan in place for evaluation and progression of treatment for patients presenting to the clinic post-concussion.


  1. Describe the role and function of the nervous system and musculoskeletal structures commonly involved in post-concussion syndrome.
  2. Recognize pre- and post-injury risk factors for protracted recovery.
  3. Discuss how treatment of the cervical spine facilitates management of pain, headaches, dizziness, visual stability and postural tolerance while performing in the school and work environment.
  4. Perform a cervical spine examination to determine involvement in headache, migraine, dizziness, or radicular pain presentation.
  5. Differentiate nystagmus patterns observed during a vestibular exam to determine the proper diagnosis and treatment to address dizziness and improve visual stability while scanning the environment for safe and independent functional mobility and ADL’s.
  6. Recognize the effects of anxiety, sleep, sensory processing, and cognitive fatigue in post-concussion syndrome.
  7. Discuss the benefit of aerobic exercise in post-concussion recovery to decrease fatigue and improve activity tolerance, mood and social interactions through safe return to daily activities, leisure activities, and sports.
  8. Discuss prioritization of examination techniques for the initial evaluation and subsequent follow ups.
  9. Discuss the clinical decision-making and progression for return to learn, work and play in concussion management.
  10. Understand the importance of patient language, as it relates to conveying findings to highly anxious patients and/or parents.
  11. Describe the roles of various health care providers in the multi-disciplinary approach to concussion management.
  12. Discuss how prolonged symptoms of concussion impact ADL’s and IADL’s.




8:00-8:30 Introduction to concussion management

8:30-10:30 Cervical Spine: assessment and treatment, lecture and lab

10:30-10:45 Morning Break

10:45-12:00 Vestibular System: assessment and treatment, lecture and lab

12:00-1:00 Lunch on own

1:00-1:45 Vestibular continued

1:45-3:00 Visual System: assessment and treatment techniques, lecture and lab

3:00-3:15 Afternoon Break

3:15-4:15 Cervical, vestibular, vision overlap in assessment and treatment progression, large group discussion and lab

4:15-5:00 Headaches, anxiety, cognitive fatigue, sleep

5:00-5:30 Evaluation and plan of care development


8:00-8:30 Review of content from day 1

8:30-9:15 Exertional and Integrative exercise: assessment and treatment, lecture and lab

9:15-10:00 Balance as a multi-system function: Assessment approach and treatment progression, lecture and lab

10:00-10:15 Morning Break

10:15-11:15 Lab: Multi-system activities

11:15-12:00 Large group case study focused on recognizing domains and involvement of the multi-disciplinary team

12:00-1:00 Lunch on own

1:00-3:00 Patient case vignettes developing assessment and treatment plan - small and large group discussion

3:00-3:15 Final Question and Answer

Approved by the Wisconsin APTA for 24 contact hours (2.4 CEU's). Focus on Function Physical Therapy, PC is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Course approval ID#9742. This course is offered at 2.24 CEU's, intermediate educational level, foundational knowledge. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.